Sunday, May 2, 2010

Magic Wand

The Blog Week question for today is... well, I'm not using it, so here's the wildcard question: Do you have a particular knitting/crochet tool that you love to use?

Here is my crochet answer: I love to use this big, old wooden crochet hook. It belonged to my grandmother, and it was hand-carved by someone with a purpose. It’s not pretty or artistic or even ergonomic. It’s just a big, old hook that has seen many, many years of use... sort of a magic wand handed down from mother to daughter to daughter (me).

It measures out to be about a size M hook, and I use it for making items with plarn (made from cut-up plastic ), like The Ultimate Recycled Market Bag. I have also used it to make cat beds (a hugely modified kitty pi), using 2 strands of bulky yarn held together.

My grandmother had a doll-repair business, and I remember helping her, using this hook to reach into the doll bodies for re-stringing the arms and legs. Can you see that there’s dried paint on the end? Apparently she stirred some paint with it too.

If you want to see more posts from other bloggers participating in Blog Week, click here to find links:

(Blog Week Wildcard tag: knitcroblowc)

1 comment:

  1. Ooh! Brilliant! Craft tool and paint stirrer too, I love that...
