Witchy-striped, ruffled armwarmers, legwarmers, and a neckwarmer are crocheted with sportweight yarn and fitted for a feminine look. This is a crochet re-design of my knit pattern, Witch Warmers. Fast and fun to make: no seaming or blocking. These warmers are great for Halloween, and they can be made in other holiday, piratey, or school colors… or to complement your everyday witch wear.
The legwarmers are kneesock-length and can be made in a short sock length. The armwarmers cover most of the forearm and can be made in a short wristwarmer length.
An innovative ruffling technique is included, which produces a uniform ruffle that keeps its shape. In addition, a smooth striping method is provided for sharp-edged, toothless stripes that are practically jogless.
U.S. crochet terms
Sizes Women’s X-Small (Small, Medium, Large)
Size X-Small is shown in photos.
Skill Level Intermediate
Yarn 600-700 yds /550-650m for complete set
Plymouth Encore DK wool blend
3 skeins #217 black: main color (MC)
3 skeins #1317 turquoise: contrast color (CC)
Photo shows discontinued Lion Brand Wool-Ease sportweight, #130 Green Heather. Pattern includes specific yarn amounts for the neckwarmer, armwarmers, and legwarmers as well as for the full set in all sizes.
Substitute Yarns: any wool, wool blend, or acrylic sportweight / DK yarn that crochets to pattern gauge
Gauge 16 sts x 14 rows = 4”/10cm x 4”/10cm flat swatch, single crochet in front loop only.
3 Schematic Diagrams: Armwarmer, Legwarmer, Neckwarmer
You can find crochet tips and variations for this pattern in the following posts:
Evening-Length Winter Warmers
Short Version: Wristwarmers
Peppermint Warmers: Uneven Stripes
Fingering Weight Vartiation: Halloween Treat-Warmers
Smooth Chain Finish
Forming a Base Chain Circle
Avoiding Stiff Crochet
Swatch Wars
Pumpkin Warmers
The Witch Warmers in Crochet pattern is available for purchase as a download here and on Ravelry. $3.00 USD

I owe a debt of gratitude to the talented Swedish crocheter, Absinthia, who figured out how to make the stripes jogless for these warmers.
Many thanks also to Erssie Major, a most-admired pattern designer and contributor to well-known knit magazines and websites, who provided a bang-up tech edit for this pattern, and made it way, way, way, way better!

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